Linda McDonald - 2nd Vice President
I got my first Brittany back with my then-husband out of a Bill Landress breeding in the early 1990’s as our hunting dog. I joined CBC in about 1995 after attending their specialty shows and visiting their field trials. In 1998, I got my next Brittany from the Burford line, a female out of their dual prospect litter. She was super birdie, loved to run but excelled as a snuggle bug and as a show dog. I owner handled her to her championship, numerous best of breeds and several group placements. Two years later, I got Manny out of a Shiloh breeding. He was my first field champion, trained, handled and finished by Paul Doiron and amateur handled by me to his amateur field title. Several years later, I added Luke, out of the Loki and Hope lines who I owner handled to a specialty Best of Breed, multiple other best of breeds and several group placements. He earned his Amateur Field title as, almost, a veteran after Ed Mayhew trained and handled him as an older dog. I also added the KNine kennel to my pedigree which gave me Lucy, a field champion who was hard to beat, also trained and handled by Paul Doiron. I have bred, owned and handled numerous show champions, field champions and junior hunt brittanys, although, I give all the field trial credit to Paul Doiron who expertly trained and handled most of my trial brittanys. I was always on the hunt for the dual Brittany. I had been active at many CBC events since I became a member, but in 2002, I was given the job of raffle chair and I became involved in all of our club’s events, assisting at field trials, hunt tests and other events in many different capacities over the last 20 years. I continued with the ignoble title of “raffle queen” until 2008, when I was voted in as second VP and Show Chair. I held the position of Second VP until I was elected as President for several years. After that tenure, I returned, gladly, to the position of Second VP which I currently hold. Meanwhile, over the years, I have pulled the KNine and Loki/Hope lines together with others to develop the River’s Crossing brittanys. I breed with my niece, Katelyn, a professional show handler, towards the elusive goal of the dual Brittany. I finally hit that jackpot when a puppy I bred, Allie, became my first dual champion, handled and trained in the field by Paul but owner breeder handled by myself in the show ring! She went on to win the ABC National Amateur Gun Dog Championship, handled by Tommy Thomas. The following year, with Paul handling, she took third in the AKC Gun Dog Championship and was Runner Up at the ABC National Open Gun Dog Championship. I am still breeding as an AKC Breeder of Merit in pursuit of the dual Brittany. I have lived in the High Desert for 20 years now and am a single, retired elementary school teacher who is active with the sport of purebred dogs, my family and my church. Along with the Brittany club, I am also a member of the Apple Valley Kennel Club as well as a member and Vice President of the California Bullmastiff Fanciers. I enjoy being a part of our CBC Brittany family! |